Diverse Wealth By editor on February 20, 2018 — 1 min read My point is right now, four people are on a path to [make a trillion dollars]. 400 people should be on a path. The reality is that capital will accrue to people, and they will accrue around ideas. That’s just the inevitability of capitalism and the system in which we all live. Now the point... More
Redefine Success By editor on February 20, 2018 — 1 min read Let’s not have such a brittle definition of success so that it’s only by money, which is stupid, but it’s also great literature, it’s beautiful art, it’s the things that you create, it’s the people that provide care to the elderly because they believe in that. It’s the person that teaches second grade and he... More
Inefficient System By editor on February 20, 2018 — 4 mins read Democracy is under attack. And the reason is because, democracy creates a framework of personal freedom. You and I can basically do whatever we want. And the net result of that is both of us decide to allocate our resources, however which way we choose. Your time, my money, people’s abilities. Some people become foremen,... More
Seizing Governance By editor on January 28, 2018 — 1 min read Peace and prosperity comes from a combination of great governance and great capitalism. Democracy and capitalism. In a world where we see what’s happening on the governance side, we have to take things into our own hands and just build the things we need. But in order to do that, people shouldn’t be job-hopping every... More
Money as a Vote By editor on January 28, 2018 — 4 mins read Take a step back. What function do capitalists serve? In a well-functioning economy, you have these two things that should come together. You have an economic model and you have a political model. The economic model that’s worked for centuries, as far as we can tell, is capitalism. The political model that’s worked in scale... More
Perversion By editor on January 28, 2018 — 1 min read Smart people will always be there to arbitrage markets. The best example of that is the Rothschilds. How do you build a dynasty? “I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls the British money supply controls the... More
Worldview Implementation By editor on January 28, 2018 — 1 min read Capitalism is an economic system, but it is a philosophy as well. It is a philosophy that says, we will vote for the change we intend based on the views that we have. When you look at the most successful people that operate in these tentacles, that’s what they do. Look at the Koch brothers,... More
Sustainability By editor on January 28, 2018 — 1 min read Capitalism is a fantastically good thing. It aligns interests, it draws talent, it can organize productive outcomes that no other mechanism that I know of can do. But there’s a difference between short term profiteering and long term profit. And people don’t have the patience for the latter. So everyone over-optimizes for the former. Asking,... More