You need to have a complete view of the ecosystem, and in order to do that you need to understand and spend time with these big public companies: what are their roadmaps, what are they planning?
That allows you to build things that you know can be complementary. But also, when you see things that you know are being built that we are a part of that will dramatically impair what they are doing, you can have some really constructive discussions and/or you can, get on the other side of that.
It forces us to really think, these are all companies, they’re just in a spectrum, at a point in time. Day 1 of a company, day 10,000 of a company. Everything is a very elegant composition of those dots in between. It’s our job to try and figure out what things we’re looking at depending on what day of its life that company is in.
That’s a wonderful challenge because it forces ourselves to not conflate luck and skill. It is constantly changing the way our team has to reevaluate our understanding of the future and then use that to understand the risk.
That’s very important for us because we will hopefully, then, not take ourselves too seriously, and think we’ve solved it. (29:10)